When the sun sets
in colours of turquoise
the end of the day
is in sight
A radiation of light
is reflected in the ocean
preceding the night
A beautiful landscape
stirring my fantasy
is born within me
I look with the inner eye
and the landscape
changes on the fly

How wonderful is this ability
to create my own reality
in love and peace
which always provides
a profound release
of letting go
in harmless sleep
A new sunrise
caressing me
with its beamy
3 opmerkingen:
Beauty is the beholder's eye
But with this poem such a beautiful sky
The glow turns of dark disappearing
But the jewels pop out as they are worth leering
So enjoy with this settling to watch day turn to night
Keeping a look at the sun as it goes out of sight
enjoy my Dearest Mieke(+)
Beautiful Dominic:
My beholder's eye has seen a brilliant sky
and suddenly I was
on the Moon
suddenly I was
out of rang
flying high
in a neon sky
All the stars came out to play
radiating their happy
in a most playful way
yes the energy is happy in its own playful way....:)xo---{--@
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