maandag 20 december 2010

Another perspective

Why are we born
without seeing our face?
Because looking in that of the other
is our grace

I am
a reflection
a mirror action
a vibration
a radiation

Energy reaching a new level
to which it is easy to travel
creating happiness
radiating it around
into the environment unbound

A smile
Lingering a while
Into the others face
sharing the caring
of the mirror with grace

The motor of the energy

What is the motor of this energy
that makes it able for a person to fly?

To leave this world of gravity
and moving up, high in the sky?

It simply is the ability
to vanish in one's own creativity
Merging completely
in the creation
of one's own reality

It has been predicted
as our next evolution
It will come true
in a 3D interactive revolution

Of being able to create just that atmosphere
needed to feel completely happy here

It is up to each of us
all One
to create from one's own imagination
of peace and abundance everywhere

And once arrived at this space station
just be happy and share

Being my own reason for living

The only thing I experience
during deep meditation
is unconditional love

It's Nature's way
in effortless patience
to give me this revelation
and has nothing to do
with a God up above

Everything just IS
Acceptance of this
means bliss

Nature made me evolve
with a left and right hemisphere
and both are active in my life
to keep me balanced
in a peaceful atmosphere

Allowing me to proceed in grace
whatever I do
and wherever I go
at my own pace

I am a unique soul
having my Own ability
to feel whole
and No One
can tell Me what to do
It is up to Me
that is the only clue