donderdag 4 februari 2010

"Let the mind be universal".
And to find ways, healing ways, to improve our lives and to help attain this for every One, each in his/her own way.

To realize that life is a sacred journey and that every one is already completely accepted just the way he/she is. And that every One has the right to live in this way.

That is the New Age of Intelligence, Intuition and Inspiration.
And it can be found within and without.
That IS the Sound of Silence.

Let me always have this sweet acceptance of being whole within me
Let me always be able to share it with whomever needs it

From the bottom of my heart

Healing heart labyrinth for Haiti

Oh Haiti,
You Land of Divinity
Where Spirit loves to reside
My sorrow for thee and thou people
Touches me deeply inside

I want to heal you
from the bottom of my heart
Because I know, that that is the place to start

May peace become the lasting rule
In building up your land again
Using labyrinths as your tool
Like a giant tattoo or a big kiss
And walk that sacred path like a hymn
To ensure our mutual bliss

Oh how I wish to bring you the labyrinth
To sooth your beautiful soil
To caress your ground as a fingerprint
To ease the earth in her turmoil