zondag 29 mei 2011


I had the urge to walk my labyrinth today
What was it that it so wanted to say?
Something I knew and know
Now already for so long
I am my own solution
And cannot go wrong
The Sun and the Moon are united in me
With a strength and a free will to be
Whatever I can imagine

So why not go for this everlasting truth
It will only do me good
No-one is able to help me anymore
I have to do it all by myself, for sure

How can I serve?
By serving myself completely
It is the only way for my being to be
Completely whole
To rest forever in my soul

So bye bye to the Internet
And Hello to the Innernet

The Kingdom of Heaven
Granted to those who
Have arrived at this sacred door
And do not have to linger
Anywhere else anymore

To immerse into this reality
Of a truly holistic quality

woensdag 25 mei 2011

The Nebula of Avalon

In the Nebula of Avalon
I found my Central Sun
Spreading love unconditionally
To every being on my path

I dreamt about a world
Of unbridled creativity
To learn playfully
To be joyful and happy

Have received
What was dreamt
And still receive
All one needs
To be creative

Am free to go
Wherever I want
My imagination will show
The Avalon of my dreams, my land

The Land of Lore
Am so happy to kiss her shore
And to never leave her anymore
Surrounded by blossoms
Promising to flower
Forever with unbridled power


This video was made with the 3D Construction Kit
The first 3D Virtual Reality and Multimedia program
That really did have IT
All,in the beginning of the nineties.

Many 3D worlds came into expression
Each one having been a session
Of dreams I dreamt during that period
Those days were very good...

Later on I realized
What had been given to me with a silver tint
To only mature in an even better
Plate of a golden labyrinth

dinsdag 17 mei 2011

Source and Destiny

I am my own source and destiny
As wide as all reality
I grow from the tiniest seed
Receiving everything I need
To blossom endlessly
And this goes on into eternity

Garden of delight

Oh garden of delight
My eyes do see
Many colors so bright
My ears have found
A paradise of sound

My nose is inundated
With delicious smells

Am feeling the magic in the air
A taste of endless enchantment that dwells
With so much flair

I make You this labyrinth
As a token of my heart

To kiss your soil in gratitude
A beacon of always being a part
Of any direction in the whole
Leading me
To the inner depth of my soul