I had the urge to walk my labyrinth today
What was it that it so wanted to say?
Something I knew and know
Now already for so long
I am my own solution
And cannot go wrong
The Sun and the Moon are united in me
With a strength and a free will to be
Whatever I can imagine
So why not go for this everlasting truth
It will only do me good
No-one is able to help me anymore
I have to do it all by myself, for sure
How can I serve?
By serving myself completely
It is the only way for my being to be
Completely whole
To rest forever in my soul
So bye bye to the Internet
And Hello to the Innernet
The Kingdom of Heaven
Granted to those who
Have arrived at this sacred door
And do not have to linger
Anywhere else anymore
To immerse into this reality
Of a truly holistic quality