dinsdag 19 mei 2009

Creating the Good Life

The personification of ideas

Creates whatever imagination comes up with

Explores the vast universe of its cells, mind and soul

Contacts its cells by breathing in and breathing out

Contacts its mind and imagination by meandering

In the labyrinth of Life

Contacts its soul endlessly by staying centred

Always goes forward yet stays in its centre

And so creates the good Life

That is always found in everything it pays attention to

zaterdag 16 mei 2009


The labyrinth is

The process of Ones own life garden

Sowing the seeds

Blossoming abundantly

Reaping the fruits

Which sometimes are astonishing

The journey towards Ones inner source

To that what really moves One from the core

To encircle the Self

To encircle the inner Sun

And to finally arrive

At where you begun

In the middle of that Same Sun

You Are the Process

You Are the Way

And when you arrive there

It feels like Bliss

A Divine Union with All That Is